Clean groundwater is an important resource for millions of people in America, however there are many different issues that can affect groundwater and how it is used. Here are a few important issues to consider.


Groundwater Legislation


How much groundwater landowners are legally allowed to have varies on the state and jurisdiction that they live in. Before people or companies can attempt to obtain any groundwater (even it is on property someone owns) it is important that they understand the specific groundwater legislation that pertains to them. The Rule of Capture allows landowners to drill for as much groundwater as they can use. Riparian Rights means landowners can only drill for groundwater based on an amount of surface area they own. Reasonable Use Rule specifies that people can obtain as much groundwater as they need as long as it does not damage other properties or aquifers.




Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is the process of using a pressurized liquid (usually a combination of water and chemicals) to fracture rock, often shale, used for mining. Recent studies have shown that fracking due to the chemicals and the highly pressurized process that is used in fracking can contaminate groundwater supplies. Contaminated groundwater poses a serious threat for millions of Americans who rely on groundwater for drinking, cleaning, and living.



Other Factors in Groundwater Contamination

Hydraulic fracturing contributing to groundwater contamination has been in the public thanks to media attention to the issue from documentaries like Gasland; however there are other issues that can potentially contaminate groundwater. Salt on the road and chemical leaks from vehicles (such as transmission, gas or oil leaks) can cause groundwater contamination. Other chemicals like herbicides, insecticides, and pesticides (for agricultural or even just personal use) can seep into the groundwater when it rains and cause contamination.

Storage Tanks and Hazardous Waste Leaks

Storage tanks containing chemicals like oil and gasoline can be stored above ground or below ground. Some of these storage tanks have corroded and cracked leaking chemicals into the ground and contaminating the groundwater that millions of people rely on. Hazardous material, even in smaller containers like barrels, can still leak causing groundwater contamination.

When it comes to obtaining groundwater it is important to ensure you have followed all legal processes to access groundwater properly. It is also important to know what can affect groundwater in your area from issues with hydraulic fracking to chemical and hazardous waste leaking into the groundwater system. Making sure you have access to clean groundwater is imperative.

American Water Surveyors has helped private landowners, farmers, ranchers, well drillers, real estate developers, municipalities, and golf course developers find and access clean groundwater across America. Contact us for more information on how we can help you locate water sources so your water well drillers know where to drill.